Tiffany Grimm Tiffany Grimm

End-of-Year Reflection: The Art of Setting Intentions

In the quiet moments as the year draws to a close, it’s as if the Universe releases a final exhale for all that has transpired, inviting us to pause, engage in an end-of-year reflection, and get out a fresh map for 2024. For those of us who find ourselves amid the hustle and bustle as the season ramps to its finale, a profound opportunity beckons us: setting intentions, those potent seeds of transformation that will be your guiding light as you emerge into a new cycle.

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Tiffany Grimm Tiffany Grimm

Work-Life Balance and Why We Won’t Ever Achieve It

In today's overworked society, 'work-life balance' has become a sought-after mantra. But what if the very term we cling to is a misdirection? Dive into a fresh perspective on how to truly integrate work with life's passions. It's not about balance; it's about finding your unique rhythm and embracing life synergy.

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Tiffany Grimm Tiffany Grimm

Navigating the Energy: Reiki Training vs. Shamanic Energy Medicine Training

Discover the differences between Reiki and Shamanic Energy Medicine training, where Reiki focuses on gentle touch and self-healing within the Usui tradition, while Shamanic Energy Medicine draws from indigenous wisdom, energetic alignment techniques, journeying, ceremonies, and a holistic approach to healing and transformation, allowing individuals to choose the modality that resonates with their beliefs and goals for self-discovery and healing.

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