The word primal has its roots in medieval Latin “primalis” or “primus,” meaning “first.” It suggests the earliest stage of creation, the original, chief, principle foundation of anything or any being. In Tiffany’s coaching methodology, primal wisdom refers to the intelligence you were born with, which you still possess. Primal wisdom is also the intelligence that weaves parts together in the fabric of life. For example, wisdom is contained in your DNA and is passed down generation to generation. Primal wisdom is intelligence prior to culturally conditioned thinking, feeling, or acting. It arises in connection with all of life. You could say that it is a “non-dual” awareness (universal) that is expressed through your unique presence (individual). Primal wisdom consistently reminds you that the answers you seek exist inside you. It goes beyond the intellect and is the foundation for your life, your lineages, and your purpose here on earth. Although it already exists, primal wisdom can be revealed and brought into consciousness with intentional work.
Tiffany’s coaching methodology incorporates the medicine wheels of two lineages: The Celtic “wheel of the year” and the Q’ero medicine wheel. Also called the “sacred hoop of life” in some wisdom traditions, the medicine wheel is an ancient symbol and tool that signifies the process of evolution, interconnectivity of all things, and the boundaries that hold the knowledge of the Universe. Each aspect of the wheel is a phase that is related to archetypal energies and concepts that, when activated through apprenticeship and practical study, guides you through a process of deep healing and transformation. The medicine wheel shows you how to move through your life with more harmony, clarity, and focus. Although each tradition has a different expression or interpretation of the wheel, a fundamental similarity exists: The wheel represents mental, spiritual, emotional and physical processes. Applying the wisdom of the medicine wheel to various areas of your life can heal your relationship to yourself, your community, and our planet.
While executive coaching helps businesses or individuals develop leadership skills, Tiffany’s programs teach the philosophy of transformation and the practical application of wisdom to all endeavors—personal and professional. Tiffany’s programs help you align your intuition, intentions, and actions in all areas of life using hybrid, personalized, transformational coaching and accountability coaching tools. She is trained to not only hold executives and high performers accountable for career and leadership goals, but also to provide a container to deconstruct old patterns that no longer work. Tiffany’s unique approach, rooted in the wisdom of the medicine wheel, provides a template for self-development that you can use throughout your life.
Traditional therapy or “talk therapy,” also referred to as “psychotherapy,” focuses on changing problematic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a clinical setting. Tiffany’s programs are a combination of accountability coaching and transformational coaching. Accountability coaching is focused on ensuring your goals are set, refined, and accomplished realistically and ambitiously. Transformational coaching encourages you to self-reflect and examine your patterns and behaviors and align them to your values. Her holistic approach combines techniques, tools, and styles across a range of wisdom traditions and philosophies, including but not limited to: mindfulness techniques, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), psychospiritual practices, somatic processing and healing, and Jungian psychology. Furthermore, her programs implement support from expert practitioners in personal development modalities to provide further insight. Traditional therapy is conversation-heavy; instead, Tiffany designs a personalized transformation journey for you, resulting in personal freedom and alignment. Tiffany frequently draws on her training in sports medicine, business coaching, transpersonal psychology, and Celtic and Peruvian shamanic wisdom. Click here for an overview of Tiffany’s teachers.
Insights from contemporary science address our logical minds and provide an important basis for the guidance Tiffany offers. Research-backed science helps your conscious mind feel at ease. But science is young, and social scientists are just beginning to understand how traditional wisdom traditions help us heal, transform, and nourish ourselves and the planet. Trusting methods beyond contemporary science requires some degree of surrender. We often have to unlearn old ideas and habits. Consider the fields of quantum physics or epigenetics: We know that there is so much more to existence than what we know and experience. Primal wisdom asks us to be uncomfortable and seek answers for ourselves rather than externally through validated research.
Initiation is a profound rite of passage, performed by a lineage holder, elder, or master. This sacred ritual ushers one into the deeper realms of their chosen tradition, affirming firsthand experience and commitment to its wisdom. Selected by the lineage itself, the initiate is entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding and perpetuating this ancient knowledge. Initiation is far from a mere certification; it is a self-actualizing journey, where one receives tradition-specific rites. It is the lineage that ultimately determines your readiness for initiation. To be initiated signifies a person’s dedication, willingness to learn through trials, and profound respect for the lineage's legacy.
A lineage holder is both chosen and chooses the tradition they will bear. They undergo initiation by an elder, medicine practitioner, or a lineage teacher, positioning themselves as a steward for the tradition's prophecies. This role bears a weighty responsibility: to revere the tradition, uphold its wisdom, and embody it in every facet of life.
A shaman serves as a healer and a bridge connecting the spirit realm with the physical world. Their role involves crafting and maintaining sacred environments where individuals can undergo transformation and healing across the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic dimensions.
The Awakening Avalon Mystery tradition is a Celtic shamanic path of the high priestess deeply rooted in the mystical realm of Avalon, also known as Glastonbury, UK. Avalon, a bastion of ancient magic, is considered the heart of the Earth and the sanctuary of sovereignty. This path of the priestess unfolds in harmony with the wheel of the year, involving three years of dedicated study and decades of unwavering commitment as an initiated high priestess. The tradition of Awakening Avalon Mystery serves as a legacy carrying the vision of a unified humanity, a remembrance of our interconnectedness, the union of masculine and feminine energies, and the emergence of collective love on our planet.
The Q’ero shamanic tradition hails from the Incan high Andes of Peru, nestled near Cusco amidst the breathtaking mountains and valleys, including the renowned Machu Picchu. The shamanic journey of a full mesa carrier is intricately tied to the Q’ero medicine wheel, encompassing two years of dedicated study and a lifetime of practical application as a healer. Attaining initiation requires successfully navigating all nine rites of passage and undergoing rigorous transformation and healing. According to Inca prophecies, the present era signifies the reunion of the eagle of the north, representing the masculine industrial mind, and the condor of the south, symbolizing the feminine intuitive heart. It is now that the chosen ones are called to fulfill this prophecy, weaving together the energies of the feminine and masculine.
Although these lineages are distinct, their prophetic visions share remarkable similarities. The elders of both traditions were guided by a shared vision—a vision to restore harmony to our world.
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