Navigating the Energy: Reiki Training vs. Shamanic Energy Medicine Training

In a world where high achievers and leaders are constantly seeking ways to unlock their potential and achieve holistic well-being and high performance, the realms of energy healing and spiritual practices have gained remarkable prominence. Two such transformative modalities, Reiki and Shamanic Energy Medicine, have been capturing the attention of those who seek profound personal and spiritual growth. Both operate under the premise that everything is made up of energetic molecules and we have the power to shift this energy to promote a more balanced state. While Reiki and Shamanic Energy Medicine both offer unique pathways to healing and self-discovery, they are grounded in different principles, traditions, and philosophies. 

The Basis of Reiki Training

Reiki, often described as a Japanese healing art, is made of two Japanese words - Rei which, according to,  means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is the "life force energy" that flows through all things. Reiki practitioners are trained to channel this energy through their hands to promote healing, relaxation, and stress reduction in the recipient. The key aspects of Reiki training are:

Usui Reiki Tradition

Reiki primarily follows the more recent historic Usui tradition, named after its founder, Mikao Usui. This tradition focuses on energy attunements, symbols, and gentle touch or hands-off methods to channel healing energy.

Tiered Training

Reiki training is typically organized into three levels - Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, and Reiki Master. Each level deepens the practitioner's understanding and connection with energy.

Gentle and Non-Invasive

Reiki is known for its gentle and non-invasive nature. It involves light touch or no touch at all, making it suitable for those who prefer a subtle energy experience.

Emphasis on Self-Healing

Reiki training often encourages practitioners to begin their healing journey by working on themselves, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.

Reiki is a safe and simple alternative healing method that can work in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques and many have reported leaving sessions feeling relaxed, peaceful, and balanced. 

The Basis of Shamanic Energy Medicine Training

Shamanic Energy Medicine training draws inspiration from ancient shamanic traditions found in cultures worldwide. Shamans are considered spiritual intermediaries who bridge the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of individuals. Shamanic Energy Medicine practitioners work with spiritual guides, power animals, and the forces of nature to facilitate healing and transformation. The key aspects of shamanic energy medicine are:

Indigenous Wisdom & Initiation

Shamanic Energy Medicine training draws from the wisdom traditions of indigenous earth-based cultures. It often involves years of practice in ritual, ceremony, technique, and direct communication with spirit guides, power animals, and ancestors. A Shamanic Energy Medicine practitioner is typically initiated into a lineage or tradition by elders or master teachers.

Connection to Nature

Nature plays a central role in shamanic practices. Practitioners often work with the elements, animals, and plants as sources of healing and wisdom.

Energetic Alignment

A unique aspect of Shamanic Energy Medicine is the concept of energetic alignment, which includes three distinct techniques in the Q’ero tradition

  1. Heavy energy clearing: This technique removes energetic intrusions or blockages from the client's energy field.

  2. Pattern clearing: This technique, also known as an illumination, removes specific mental or emotional patterns, often stemming from trauma, that continue to show up in daily life. 

  3. Soul retrieval: This technique helps individuals recover lost parts of their soul due to traumatic experiences or challenges.

Journeying and Altered States

Shamanic Energy Medicine training often involves journeying into altered states of consciousness through techniques such as drumming, chanting, or breathwork. These altered states allow practitioners to access the spirit realm and receive guidance.

Ceremonial Work

Shamanic practitioners often conduct ceremonies and rituals to honor Spirit and the natural world. These ceremonies can be used for healing, personal growth, and spiritual transformation.

Holistic Approach

Shamanic practitioners view healing as a holistic process, addressing not only physical but also emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person's well-being.

Shamanic Energy Medicine, although seemingly esoteric, is also a relatively safe alternative healing method. Shamanic practitioners may encourage more movement, sound, breathwork, purging and other forms to move stuck energy than they would with Reiki. Many recipients of this healing work have reported leaving with a new perspective, sense of lightness, freedom, and overall sense of ease. 

If you are seeking healing and self-discovery, Reiki or Shamanic Energy Medicine may be pathways you’ll want to consider.  It is always recommended to research any practitioner who claims they are a Reiki practitioner or shaman. Inquire about their training, teachers, lineages they’ve studied, and the number of years they’ve been in practice to understand their experience and ability to facilitate the conditions for your healing and well-being. 

Whether you resonate more with the structured, gentle approach of Reiki or the nature-centered, spiritually rich practices of Shamanic Energy Medicine, both offer powerful tools for unlocking your potential, clarifying your vision, and achieving a sense of ease and peace as you move forward in your life. Ultimately, the choice between these modalities should align with your beliefs, goals, and intuition on your journey towards self-discovery and healing.

If you feel called toward Shamanic Energy Medicine, consider an Energetic Alignment Session with Tiffany.


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