Tiffany Grimm

Intuitive mentor, speaker, author, and healer, Tiffany Grimm Fulton has trained for 20+ years in the living wisdom traditions of Europe, the Americas, and Asia. For over a decade, she has mentored everyone from high level leaders, professional athletes, and entrepreneurs to mothers, teachers and college graduates, helping them unlock their natural intelligence and manifest the personal and professional lives they long for. 




From a young age, I wanted to know the why behind everything. I was deeply curious and driven to learn and perform. Through high school and college, I was a straight-A student and a dedicated athlete. 

But by age 22, I was already burned out. By my thirties, I had experienced not one but several epic failures despite my accomplishments and a degree in sports medicine. Every day, I feared not living up to my potential in life. I was tired—extremely tired. Repeating the same patterns over and over again with the same results, I dreaded my days and I felt stuck.

Finding a wiser way

The problem wasn’t my drive to achieve, it was how I was going about my life. I wasn’t in balance. I didn’t know how to go after my goals and live in alignment.

Called by my intuition, I began a journey to discover how to access and attune to my natural intelligence. I began training in living wisdom traditions rooted in landscapes from the mountains of the Andes and Switzerland, to the marshes of England, to the highlands of Scotland, to the bustling cities of Italy, Spain, Germany, and France, and South Korea, Denmark, and Argentina.

Leadership Development

The truth was that I had been fighting against my own primal wisdom for years. All of the pushing, grinding, trying to get somewhere had blocked it. 

From traditional healers and lineage holders, I learned how to access intuition. I learned about life’s cycles, rhythms, and archetypal energies and the raw power we all possess. 

Over time, I not only transformed my own depletion but was able to apply the insights I learned from traditional wisdom keepers to my work in human performance, leadership development, and coaching. Today I work with clients who want to transform their personal and professional lives in big ways.

The energy and ease I sought had been there all along. The answers I so desperately wanted were right in front of me. They were inside of me, always, if I just stopped to listen. 

What was true for me is true for you: You have all the answers you need inside you. 




1-to-1 mentorships, group immersions, and power coaching sessions.


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My Mentors & Teachers

  • Holly Raphaella Morgana


    Initiated high priestess, founder of the Awakening Avalon mystery tradition.

  • Jerri Doran


    Initiated 4th level Kuraq Akeulleq Priest and wisdom keeper in the Peruvian Q'ero tradition.

  • Agustin Payaguaje


    Initiated traditional curandero from Seikopai region, Ecuador.

  • Michael Fukumura


    Spiritual mentor, alignment-based yoga instructor

  • Rodrigo Yelpi


    Initiated curandero, shaman and wisdom keeper in Seikopai region and Quito, Ecuador.

“A true initiation never ends.”

— Robert Anton Wilson