I acknowledge that I intend to undertake an organized activity with Tiffany Grimm Fulton Global, LLC. (“TGF Global”) and that in order to do this I will need to involve myself in related aspects of such activity including, but not limited to special travel, risks of various kinds and degrees, differing living conditions and foods, a variety of interpersonal interaction and close-quarter conditions, varying types of medical risks, hazards, availability of medical care and support, and differing weather conditions and altitudes and any risks that may come of such. In consideration of, and as payment for, the right to participate in such activities, services or food arranged for me by TGF Global I have and hereby assume all the associated risks and conditions involved with such activities and shall hold TGF Global, its officers, agents, third party vendors, and employees harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, debts, claims and demand of any kind and nature whatsoever which I now have or which may arise out of or in connection with my quest or participation in any other activities arranged for me by TGF Global. The terms hereof shall serve as a release and assumption of risk for my heirs, executors and administrators and for all members of my family, including any minors accompanying me. The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Contract apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and survive termination of the Contract for whatever reason. This Release and Assumption of Risk is meant to compliment the Assumption of Risk Provision Found in Section 13, Terms and Conditions, and any additional Assumption of Risk waivers I may have to sign based on my specific travel program.


  • The quest leader(s) is responsible for the general equipment and logistics of the quest including, but not limited to, the choice of team support, routes, camps, and any change of activities. During the quest, the leader may assist clients on certain aspects of the quest/activity, or may delegate such provision of assistance to staff members, agents or servants, or third-party support. The leader, assistant, or any other quest personnel as identified herein will demonstrate reasonable procedures and/or safety information required for the quest or activity. The Client is expected to fully understand these instructions and procedures and comply with them at all times during the quest or activity. It is the Client’s responsibility to immediately notify the quest leader and/or those support staff identified herein if they do not fully understand any and all instructions and procedures that have been explained to them by quest personnel.

  • The quest leader(s), assistants and/or third-party support shall not be responsible for carrying any personal equipment of the Client except where specified in the general instructions provided for your Quest. In the instance that the Client willfully hands over and/or is incapable of carrying their personal equipment, the quest leader(s), assistants and/or third-party support are not responsible or liable for any of the Client’s personal equipment.  

  • The Client understands that they may have to deal with hostile environments including, but not limited to, changes in temperature, weather, terrain, government action or culture. Dangers and medical problems may occur which are linked with the risks associated with the Client’s quest. This environment and living closely in a small group may generate stress problems for the Client. TGF Global shall not be held liable or responsible for any instances laid out in the foregoing paragraph.

  • The team leader or any person as so delegated by the team leader to do so may in the interest of safety request the participants to stop any activity, or in such circumstances as required, terminate the entirety of the quest at any time during said quest.

  • The Client has filled in all relevant forms and documents truthfully and agrees to the Release and Assumption of Risk.

  • You have read all the information supplied to you including the Terms and Conditions and have accepted them without qualification.

  • Client shall be responsible for making all travel arrangements to and from the originating city, i.e. they shall be solely responsible for all costs, bookings and other transportation related arrangements to and from the recommended airports and/or designated meeting location closest to where the quest begins, which can vary based on quest as specified in the quest documentation or TGF Global website. 

  • Alternatively, if the Client wishes TGF Global to make such arrangements, they should notify TGF Global of the request in writing via email. TGF Global’s receipt of such notification shall not create an obligation of TGF Global to comply with the request, and TGF Global shall bear no costs (damage or otherwise) associated with either arranging travel that is not within the scope and costs of the advertised quest, or the rejection of the Client’s request.

  • The Client gives TGF Global permission to use any photographs or video footage taken during the quest in their marketing materials. 



These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") are entered into between Tiffany Grimm Fulton Global, LLC ("TGF Global"), a limited liability company registered in the State of Colorado, and the participant (hereinafter referred to as the "Client"), who wishes to enroll in an international or domestic retreat organized and led by TGF Global.

These are the terms and conditions which will apply to your booking. By booking a quest you agree to be bound to all terms and conditions. Your signature below confirms that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions on this form, and that you understand that these terms apply to all in your party (if multiple names appear on the attached invoice).


All persons who intend to make a booking, have sent in an application or deposit, have paid for a booking in any amount (partial or full), and/or will or have begun or completed a quest with TGF Global TRAVEL, LLC (“TGF Global”) have carefully read and understand the Terms and Conditions that follow and all other Contract Documents. By making a booking by telephone, or on the website www.tiffanygrimmfulton.com, or by email with TGF Global or its Agents, you accept on behalf of yourself and all those named on the booking including minors and person with disabilities to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and Contract Documents. No persons shall be deemed to have booked a quest and TGF Global shall not assume any obligations and/or liability until timely receipt of the Client’s properly completed and executed Application Documents, and the deposit (together with the Pre-departure Form, Medical Release, Payment Invoice, “Contract Documents”). Prior to a proper and timely booking, TGF Global reserves the right to increase or decrease any and all prices. TGF Global, its affiliates, agents and representatives reserve the right to decline any booking at their discretion. The person or persons named on the booking are hereinafter referred to as the “Client”. All bookings are made with TGF Global, however TGF Global may utilize the service of agents, affiliates and/or third-party suppliers for various services provided for or associated with your quest. These Terms and Conditions together with the Contract Documents shall constitute the entire agreement between TGF Global and the Client relating to the subject matter herein, and shall constitute a binding agreement. There are no verbal or written; representation(s), warranties, collateral agreement(s), prior agreement(s), description of services, or conditions, other than as expressed herein. The service to be provided is/are the quest(s) referred to in the booking confirmation.


Carriage by road, air or by sea is subject to the individual carriers conditions. TGF Global’s liability for death, and/or personal injury, and/or loss of and/or damage to luggage may be limited by the conditions in this agreement, international conventions, treaties, or any applicable law including the Athens, Warsaw or Montreal Conventions.


Clients and their medical practitioner(s) are obligated to review, complete, sign and return to TGF Global the Medical Information and Release Form as outlined in the Contract Documents. In addition, Clients are asked to review their Medical Information and Release Form as it relates to their quest. Any questions, comments or decisions related to the Client’s physical or mental suitability for a quest shall take place between the Client and their medical practitioner. The Client must complete the medical form honestly, accurately and disclose all medical history and information. TGF Global will review the information submitted, and keep the information in accordance with the privacy policy as outlined in the Medical Information Form. TGF Global reserves the right to challenge any information submitted, ask for further information or clarity on certain points, or reasonably reject or rescind a client’s booking based on the medical information presented to TGF Global. In the event the Client has made a booking with TGF Global and subsequently is unable to complete the required medical form for any reason by the dates specified in the Contract Documents and/or Payment Invoice, TGF Global reserves the right to treat the booking as canceled, and applicable cancellation penalties apply.

a. The Client acknowledges and understands that their quest may be to a destination that is remote, isolated, and far removed from medical care facilities. Medical facilities vary from country to country and TGF Global makes no representations and gives no warranties in relation to the standard of such treatment. The Client agrees and acknowledges the risks, dangers, and limited availability or lack of any medical care associated with such travel and, together with all limitations of liability found in this document and the Contract Documents including those found in Medical Information and Release Form, absolve TGF Global of any liability of such risks, dangers and failure to provide medical care.

b. The Client understands the honest completion of the Medical Information and Release Form will assist all concerned in an emergency situation. In the event there is a dispute between TGF Global and the Client in regard to the Client’s physical or mental suitability for a quest, the matter will be referred to a medical professional at the Client’s expense.

c. TGF Global must be notified in writing at the time of booking of any medical conditions, pregnancy, physically or mentally challenged conditions or disabilities which may affect fitness to travel. TGF Global shall not be held liable for the Client’s failure to notify TGF Global of any such conditions, and the Client assumes all risk for failure to disclose all aforementioned medical conditions. The Client’s failure to notify TGF Global of such conditions may result in the client being refused travel, in the case, that results in cancellation, 100% of the cancellation fees are the responsibility of the Client. Some quests may be unsuitable for Clients due to age, mobility, pregnancy or physical or mental conditions. It is the Client’s responsibility to check prior to booking. For safety reasons, TGF Global may refuse to carry pregnant women or Clients with certain mental or physical conditions. TGF Global is not required to provide any special facilities unless it has been agreed to do so in writing. TGF Global will do its best to meet Clients special requests including dietary, but such requests do not form part of the Contract and therefore the TGF Global is not liable if these requests are not fulfilled during the quest. Refer to the details as specified in the quest documentation or TGF Global website. 


TGF Global sells its quests in United States Dollars (USD).


At time of booking a non-refundable deposit is required per person per quest as indicated on your Payment Invoice. The following are TGF Global’s booking deposit schedules unless otherwise indicated:

  • Bookings more than 180 days prior to departure shall require a deposit as indicated by the Payment Invoice.

  • Bookings more than 90 days but less than 180 days prior to departure shall require a deposit, plus first payments to date as indicated by the Payment Invoice & plan.

  • Bookings less than 90 days prior to departure shall require full payment as indicated by the Payment Invoice.

The non-refundable deposit should be sent to TGF Global. Some quests may require a higher deposit or full payment at the time of booking. If deposit is different from that outlined in this clause, TGF Global will notify the Client of this requirement at the time of booking and detailed on the Payment Invoice.


Client acknowledges and agrees that credit card information will be kept confidential and securely stored by TGF Global in compliance with all applicable data protection regulations. TGF Global shall exercise due diligence to maintain the confidentiality and security of such information. Client further acknowledges that they are solely responsible for ensuring the accuracy and validity of the credit card information provided. In the event of any disputes, discrepancies, or unauthorized charges, Client agrees to promptly notify TGF Global to rectify the issue. TGF Global shall not be held liable for any errors, omissions, or unauthorized transactions related to the use of the provided credit card information.


  1. Final Payment: Acceptance of the Client’s booking shall be confirmed in writing by TGF Global. Please refer to the confirmation invoice and/or confirmation email for details regarding final payment. Payment of the balance of the quest is due within 90 days of quest commencement unless otherwise indicated. If full payment is not received by the due date, then rates and quest space cannot be guaranteed and TGF Global has a right to cancel your quest and keep any and all Client deposits. If a booking is made 90 days or less before the departure date of the first service booked, then the full payment amount is payable at the time of application and booking; failure to remit the full amount shall deem the quest voidable by TGF Global as it was not properly booked by the Client.

  2. Client Details: In order for TGF Global to confirm and guarantee the Client’s travel arrangements, the Client must provide all Client details with their final invoice payment as per the dates specified in the Contract Documents. If the Client does not provide all details 90 days or more before departure, a fee of $250 USD will be charged to the Client. In the event where client details have not been received by TGF Global 60 days prior to the Client’s quest departure, TGF Global reserves the right to treat the quest as canceled and the participant acknowledges that their spot on the quest will be forfeited, and full penalties will apply. Client detail requirements may vary by quest.

  3. Traveling with Children: The minimum age for Clients traveling on a quest is based on the quest chosen. An adult over the age of 21 must accompany every 2 children under the age of 18. All inquiries with respect to children are subject to review and approval by TGF Global, which maintains and reserves the right to restrict the number of travelers under the age of 18 on quests. If the adult accompanying the child is not the child’s parent, then a “Parental Consent Guardianship Form” must be signed by the parent or legal guardian and received by TGF Global prior to departure.

  4. Credit Card Charges: TGF Global shall not be responsible for any charges applied to credit card transactions and shall not refund or return any fees by third parties as incurred during the transaction of the quest cost. If client requests a refund that falls within TGF Global’s refund policy, and client had paid for quest using a credit card, a refund will be granted less 3% for transaction fees and less 4% for non-US credit cards.


General Cancellation- The cancellation charges are expressed hereafter as a percentage of the total quest price, excluding insurance:

  • Cancellation 90 days or more before departure: 

    • Loss of deposit, which minimum value shall be no less than $500.00 USD, but can vary based on quest as specified in the quest documentation or TGF Global website 

    • 50% cancellation fee  

  • Cancellation less than 90 days prior to departure: No Refund

  • Cancellation at or after trip departure: No Refund

  • Custom quests may vary in cancellation policy from those described herein, and will be detailed at time of booking.


Cancellation is defined as a complete termination of the entire quest and location offering. TGF Global reserves the right to cancel any quest for any reason, but will not cancel a quest less than 90 days before departure except for force majeure as outlined in Section 17, for local permitting issues or any other reasonable concern. TGF Global will give reasonable effort to notice the cancellation of a quest by email. When a quest is canceled by TGF Global, the Client may choose between a full refund of all monies paid less the non-refundable deposit, any non-refundable monies paid like accommodations, local transportation, and permits, and less 3% for credit card bookings (less 4% for non-US credit cards). Or, if offered in the sole discretion and option of TGF Global, any alternative quest offered by TGF Global at no extra cost to the Client save for any local payments required as outlined in the final Contract Documents for the alternative quest and/or any other literature or itinerary received by the Client from TGF Global. TGF Global is not responsible for any direct, incidental, consequential damages, expenses or losses that the Client may have incurred as a result of the booking including, but not limited to, visas, vaccinations, non-refundable flights or rail, non-refundable car parking or other fees, loss of earnings, or loss of enjoyment and opportunity. If the alternative quest chosen is of a lower value than that originally booked, then the Client is entitled to a refund of the price difference. If the Client is offered a refund but requests an alternative tour of a higher value than that originally booked, then the Client must pay the difference in price. Where a significant element of the quest cannot be provided, TGF Global will make suitable alternative arrangements for the continuation of the quest. If it is not possible to provide a suitable alternative or the Client reasonably rejects any suitable alternatives, TGF Global will provide the Client a refund of unused quest portions.


There will be no discounts or monies refunded for missed or unused services, including the Client’s voluntary or involuntary termination/departure from quest, which includes but is not limited to sickness, death of a family member etc, late arrival on the quest, or premature departure either voluntarily or involuntarily.


No price increases will be made to a booking 30 days or less before departure. TGF Global reserves the right to impose surcharges (price increases) up to 30 days before departure due to unfavorable changes in exchange rates, increases in transportation/fuel costs, increases in local operator costs, taxes, or if government action should require TGF Global to do so. TGF Global will absorb 15% of any such surcharge. If the surcharge/price increase is for more than 15% then the remainder of the increase will be charged to the Client. If any surcharge results in an increase of more than 30% of the quest cost, excluding insurance premiums, the Client may cancel the booking within 14 days of notification of the surcharge and obtain a full refund of all monies paid to TGF Global (excluding Quest Cancellation Insurance Premiums and/or flights). All cancellation requests shall be received in writing via email with a reply from TGF Global.


The prices in this brochure and website are based on the rates and costs in effect at time of the printing the brochure or posting on the website. TGF Global reserves the right to alter any and all prices.


  1. Changes made by TGF Global: While TGF Global will endeavor to operate all quests as advertised, reasonable changes in the itinerary may be made where deemed necessary or advisable by TGF Global. If TGF Global makes a major change, TGF Global will inform the Client as soon as reasonably possible if there is sufficient time before departure. When a major change is made, the Client may choose between accepting the change, obtaining a full refund of all monies paid to TGF Global less non-refundable deposit, non-recoupable costs like permits, accommodation, and local transport, and 3% for credit card bookings and less 4% for non-US credit cards (excluding Trip Cancellation Insurance Premiums and/or flights) or accepting any alternative quest offered by TGF Global. Upon acceptance of the change, Client authorizes TGF Global to charge their securely stored payment method for any incurred change fees, price adjustments, or supplementary payments following the initial booking. If an alternative payment method is preferred, participants must provide written notification at the time of booking. The definition of a major change is deemed to be a change affecting at least one in three full quest days of the itinerary. If the major change is due to force majeure or unforeseen circumstances no compensation is payable. 

  2. Post-Commencement Charges: Some changes to the itinerary may happen on quest as a result of unforeseen circumstances or local situations. Any changes made to alter the itinerary as a result will be made with full authority of the Trip Leader and any direct or indirect cost incurred as a result will be the responsibility of the Client.

  3. Transfer to another departure (by Client): A transfer from one quest to another can only be made more than 90 days before departure date and only if approved in writing by TGF Global. If such a request is accepted by TGF Global, TGF Global reserves the right to charge up to the deposit amount of the first booked quest. Any request to transfer received less than 90 days before departure will not normally be accepted. In this case the Client must cancel the booking and then rebook on another quest. The Client may only transfer the booking to a departure date in the current season and may not transfer the booking to future seasons. Any such transfers will be regarded as cancellations and cancellation fees will apply.

  4. Transfer of name: If the Client is prevented from traveling on the quest booked by circumstances such as those which would permit a claim on a standard cancellation insurance policy, the booking may be transferred to another person, provided they meet all the requirements relating to that quest and have read, understood and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this contract. More than 15 days before departure, up to the deposit amount of the quest will apply. Within 15 days name transfers are not permitted.

  5. Amendments: Any amendments to a file within 90 days of a departure will depend on availability and will be on a request basis. Any extra costs incurred for making the change will be charged to the client’s final balance.


I understand traveling with TGF Global, LLC may involve risks (and rewards) above and beyond those encountered on a more conventional holiday, and that I am undertaking a quest trip with inherent dangers. I understand I am traveling to geographical areas where, among other things, the standard of accommodation, transport, safety, hygiene, cleanliness, medical facilities, telecommunications and infrastructure development may not be of the standard I am used to at home or would find on a conventional trip or holiday. I have read and understood the Tiffany Grimm Fulton Global, LLC information literature and documents for this quest I am undertaking and have provided details of any pre-existing medical conditions I may have to Tiffany Grimm Fulton Global, LLC representatives. I accept these risks and obligations and I fully assume the risks of travel. I fully and forever release and discharge Tiffany Grimm Fulton Global, LLC and all other related, affiliated, associated or otherwise connected corporations, partnerships, individuals and other entities and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any and all costs (including, without limitation, actual legal costs), claims, demands, actions, causes of action and liabilities whatsoever for any and all losses, damages, death or injuries to persons or loss of property, which may be sustained by me in connection with or in any way relating to this trip, due to any cause or reason whatsoever including, without limitation, the reckless, willful or negligent actions or omissions of the Releasees or any other person or persons. Optional Activities: I understand during my trip there may be opportunities to undertake activities, which do not form part of the itinerary. I understand Tiffany Grimm Fulton Global, LLC makes no representations about the safety or quality of the activity, or the standard of the independent operator running it. I also understand Tiffany Grimm Fulton Global, LLC is in no way responsible for my safety should I elect to enter into such optional activities. With full knowledge of the above, I may still elect to partake in the activity, and if I do so, I assume full responsibility for any risks involved, and the waiver and release of the Releasees set out in the foregoing paragraph shall apply to such optional activities.


By booking with TGF Global, the Client agrees to abide by the authority of the quest leader or TGF Global representative. The Client must at all times strictly comply with the laws, customs, foreign exchange and drug regulations of all countries visited. If the Client is affected by any condition, medical or otherwise, that might affect other people’s enjoyment of the quest, the Client must advise TGF Global at the time of booking. Should the Client fail to comply with the above or commit any illegal act when on the quest or, if in the opinion of the quest leader, the Client’s behavior is causing or is likely to cause danger, distress or annoyance to others TGF Global may terminate that Client’s travel arrangements without any liability on TGF Global’s part and the Client will not be entitled to any refund for unused or missed services or costs incurred resulting from the termination of the travel arrangements.


TGF Global guarantees selected departures at their sole discretion. This guarantee of departure is subject to force majeure situations, and TGF Global reserves the right to remove the guaranteed designation at anytime due to circumstances beyond reasonable control. TGF Global will not be held accountable for any indirect cost resulting to the client for this action.


  1. The Client must be in possession of a valid passport required for entry, departure and travel through each destination point along the itinerary of the quest, (passport must be valid 6 months past the return date), all visas, permits, and certificates including vaccination certificates, insurance policies required for the whole of the journey. The Client accepts full responsibility for obtaining all such documents, visas and permits prior to the start of the quest and is solely responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from missing or defective documentation. Any information or advice given by TGF Global regarding visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, special equipment, etc. is purely advisory, provided as a courtesy to the Client, and TGF Global is not responsible for any errors or omissions as to the information provided.

  2. To expedite the issuing of TGF Global travel documents please note that all quest related travel documents such as vouchers, itineraries and invoices will be sent via email once full payment has been received by TGF Global. TGF Global reserves the right to impose a fee for those Clients who wish to receive paper documents.


TGF Global may offer to assist Clients with flight reservations for certain itineraries and under certain conditions. However, TGF GLobal takes no responsibility for reconfirming flights or for advising Clients of airline schedule changes once tickets have been issued. Additionally, TGF Global takes no responsibility in the event of an airline's default, cessation of service on a ticketed route, or schedule change. TGF Global is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by Client as a result of airline default, cessation of service on a ticketed route, or schedule change.


TGF Global shall not be liable in any way to the Client for death, bodily injury, illness, damage, delay or other loss or detriment to person or property, or financial costs both direct and indirect incurred, or for TGF Global’s failure to commence, perform and/or complete any duty owed to the Client if such death, delay, bodily injury (including emotional distress or injury), illness, damage or other loss or detriment to person or property is caused by a Force Majeure Event. Force Majeure Events are defined as one whose occurrence was not reasonably foreseeable at the time of entering into this Contract and which is beyond a party’s reasonable control. Such events include but are not limited to, an Act of God, pandemics, epidemics and viral outbreaks, war or war like operations, terrorist activities or threat thereof, civil commotions, labor difficulties, whether or not TGF Global is a party thereto, interference by authorities, political disturbance, howsoever and wheresoever any of the same may arise or be caused, riot, insurrection and acts of government authority or restraint of any kind including those that affect domestic and/or international travel, border closings, border limitations, border restrictions, fire, extreme weather or any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of TGF Global. 


  1. Insurance Requirements: It is mandatory that all Clients obtain a Global Rescue plan to travel with TGF Global. TGF Global also requires all Clients hold a travel insurance policy with a minimum medical coverage of $100,000 USD and this insurance should cover the following:

  • Medical expenses, including hospitalization, emergency care, and repatriation of remains

  • Lost, damaged, or stolen luggage

  • Trip cancellation and interruption

  • Missed connections

  • Travel delays

  • Personal liability

  • Adventure sports 

Clients must be able to provide proof of their Global Rescue plan and adequate coverage as per the required amounts above if requested by the Trip Leader or TGF Global Representative. It is strongly recommended the coverage be extended to include cancellation, curtailment, and all other expenses that might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay or inconvenience occurring to the Client. TGF Global shall have no liability for loss, theft of or damage to baggage or personal effects. Personal belongings lost or stolen, are not subject to reimbursement by TGF Global. Losses due to ordinary wear and tear or Force Majeure events are not reimbursable. TGF Global does not accept responsibility for and in no event shall be liable for loss or damage of valuables or other articles left in or on facilities used by TGF Global including, but not limited to, hotels, pensions, campsites, homestays, vessels, expedition vehicles, or any other mode of transportation. 

  1. Insurance Acknowledgement: The Client acknowledges that the cost of the quest does not include insurance, and that the Client is required to obtain separate coverage at an additional cost. When obtaining travel insurance from a third party agency, the Client must ensure the insurer is aware of the type of travel to be undertaken. When the Client has obtained travel insurance and submits the documents to TGF Global, the Client acknowledges that he or she is satisfied with the levels of insurance arranged by the agency. TGF Global reserves the right to cancel a Client’s registration if they do not have adequate travel insurance.

  2. Emergency Procedures: In the event of an emergency during the Retreat, the Participant authorizes the Leader to take any necessary actions, including but not limited to seeking medical treatment on the Participant's behalf, contacting the Participant's emergency contacts, and cooperating with local authorities.


The Client acknowledges the quality of the products and services, including accommodations, transport and all other services related to the quest that are organized by TGF Global or its representatives are likely to be different in standard to what the Client may reasonably expect at home. Further, the Client understands, appreciates and accepts any variance in quality or level of service as a part of the quest travel experience. All arrangements made by TGF Global are done so with best of intentions to match any description provided, however, the Client reasonably allows for local conditions to influence products and services. 


All services herein are organized by TGF Global. Notice is hereby given that all arrangements made on behalf of the Client are made by organizers on the sole condition that the organizers shall not be held responsible for any injury, death, accident, delay, loss, damage or irregularity which may be occasioned through acts of any TGF Global and/or persons engaged in carrying out the arrangements. TGF Global acts as an agent for transport companies, hotels and other contractors and shall not be held liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may occur, including, but not limited to, any defect in a vehicle or any other form of conveying a traveler, acts of God, detention, delays or expenses arising from quarantine, strike, riots, theft, Force majeure events, civil disturbance, government restriction or regulation, accident by aircraft, boat, bicycle, motor vehicle or any other form of transport or in any hotel or guest house, pension, or other form of accommodation. The Client acknowledges that the quality of the products organized by TGF Global including accommodations and all other services related to the quest which are organized by TGF Global, are not within the control of TGF Global and that in any event the quality of such products may be compromised by local conditions. Accordingly, the Client hereby releases TGF Global from all claims and causes of action arising from any damage, loss of enjoyment, inconvenience, or injuries related to the quality of such products. The information contained on TGF Global’s website and related marketing materials is correct to the best of TGF Global’s knowledge and TGF Global accepts no liability for any inaccuracies contained herein. TGF Global reserves the right to alter any itinerary in progress or service at any time without penalty to TGF Global. Any additional expense or cancellation shall be borne by the customer. The organizer reserves the right to withdraw or refuse any service to any customer at the discretion of the organizer. Payment of deposit is taken as acknowledgement and agreement to these terms and conditions.


All discounts and reduced pricing are applied at TGF Global’s discretion.


If a Client has a complaint against TGF Global, the Client must first inform the Quest Leader at the earliest opportunity to allow the grievance to be rectified. If satisfaction is not reached, the Client must contact a TGF Global representative while on a quest in order to ensure that TGF Global is provided the opportunity to rectify the matter. Failure to indicate dissatisfaction while on the quest may bar or reduce the Client’s ability to claim compensation from TGF Global. If satisfaction is still not reached through these means on a Quest, then any further complaint must be put in writing to TGF Global via email at hello@tiffanygrimmfulton.com, no later than three days after the final day of the Client’s quest. TGF Global will not accept any liability for claims received after this period. It is the responsibility of the client to be familiar with and follow TGF Global’s claims and complaints process.


Airlines, railways, coach and shipping companies and other suppliers have their own booking conditions or conditions of carriage, and the Client will be bound by these as far as the relevant transport provider or supplier is concerned. Some of these conditions may limit or exclude liability on the part of the relevant transport provider or other supplier, and they are often also subject to various international conventions. TGF Global’s liability will be limited to and shall not exceed that of its suppliers. The Client is precluded from making a double recovery by making the same claims and seeking the same recovery against TGF Global and its suppliers.


The Client acknowledges he or she will be visiting places where the political, cultural and geographical attributes present certain risks, dangers and physical challenges greater than those present in her or his daily lives. By booking travel with TGF Global, the Client acknowledges she or he has considered the potential risks, dangers and challenges, and expressly assumes the risks attendant to such travel conditions. The Client is solely responsible for acquainting themselves with customs, weather conditions, physical challenges and laws in effect at each stop along the itinerary, and are encouraged to locate or make contact prior to embarkation with his/her local embassy or consulate in each destination.


Optional extras do not form part of the quest or contract. It is understood and accepted by the Client that any assistance given by the Quest Leader or representative in arranging optional extras does not impose liabilities of any kind on TGF Global. Accordingly, the Client hereby releases TGF Global from all claims and causes of action arising from any damages, loss of enjoyment, inconvenience, or injuries related to the quality of such products. Optional extras include, as example, but are not limited to, rafting, horseback riding, sightseeing flights and other extras that are not included in the quest price.


In the event that any term or condition contained herein is unenforceable or void by operation of law or as being against public policy or for any other reason, then such term or condition shall be deemed to be severed from this Agreement or amended accordingly only to such extent necessary to allow all remaining Terms and Conditions to survive and continue as binding.


These Terms and Conditions shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon TGF Global and the Client and their respective heirs, legal personal representatives, successors and assigns.


Although TGF Global has made a concerted attempt to verify the accuracy of statements made herein, TGF Global cannot be held responsible for any error, omission or unintentional misrepresentation that may appear in their brochure, travel documents, or on the website.


TGF Global will provide personal information to suppliers and carriers to enable the operation of the services requested. TGF Global will do all reasonably possible in endeavoring to protect personal information.


This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Colorado without regard to applicable conflict of law provisions.


TGF Global reserves the right to update and amend these terms and conditions at any time. It is the responsibility of the Client to keep updated with any changes. The current version of terms and conditions will always be found on the website www.tiffanygrimmfulton.com and will be the terms referred to in any dispute.