End-of-Year Reflection: The Art of Setting Intentions

In the quiet moments as the year draws to a close, it’s as if the Universe releases a final exhale for all that has transpired, inviting us to pause, engage in an end-of-year reflection, and get out a fresh map for 2024. For those of us who find ourselves amid the hustle and bustle as the season ramps to its finale, a profound opportunity beckons us: setting intentions, those potent seeds of transformation that will be your guiding light as you emerge into a new cycle. 

End-of-year reflection

Resolutions vs. Intentions

The end of the year isn't just a time to jot down resolutions; it's a chance to dig deep into the very essence of your journey, uncover the ‘why’ behind your experiences, extract valuable lessons from the challenges, and harness the strength from your triumphs. Resolutions often fall flat because they emerge from a place of conscious success-focused thinking - a constant forward motion. Intentions, however, come from the depth of reflection, looking back while standing in the present, and recognizing subconscious patterns and behaviors that have shaped your path thus far.

The Power of Reflection

In reflection lies the key to unlocking your path ahead. Intentions spring forth from the well of reflection, for they are not just about what you wish to do but who you aspire to become. For those who seek more than fleeting resolutions, for those who yearn for depth and authenticity, this practice is for you.

10 Questions for Your End-of-Year Reflection 

As the calendar pages turn, grant yourself a few moments to look inward before you look outward. Carve out a space exclusively for yourself. Allocate a couple of hours for journaling, engaging in meaningful conversation with a loved one, or simply contemplating as you’re on a walk. Regardless of how you prefer to process your thoughts, prioritize and reserve this valuable time and space on your calendar for dedicated reflection. Consider the following reflective questions as you dive in (I’ll provide a downloadable workbook at the end of the blog):


The 10 Reflective Contemplations

  1. What achievements made me feel the most alive and fulfilled this year?

  2. What challenges did I face, and what did they teach me?

  3. How have I grown emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?

  4. Which moments brought the greatest joy and sense of purpose?

  5. What relationships enriched my life, and which ones drained me?

  6. What areas of my life require nurturing and attention?

  7. What fears or doubts held me back, and how can I overcome them in the future?

  8. What habits or patterns no longer serve me?

  9. What are my values, and am I living in alignment with them?

  10. What vision do I hold for the person I wish to become in the coming year?

In the same sitting or perhaps 24 hours after letting your responses percolate, transition from reflection to intention-setting with these ten proactive questions below. Keep in mind that your end-of-year reflection will ideally inform your thought process.

The 10 Intentional Contemplations

  1. What intentions feel most prominent for me after doing the reflective exercise? Consider career, relationships, social life, community, hobbies, finances, travel, etc.

  2. In what ways can I ensure my daily habits reflect my intentions? 

  3. How will I prioritize self-care and nurture my physical well-being to support my intentions?

  4. Which challenges might show up as I navigate these intentions? 

  5. What strategies will I employ to enhance my mental resilience and emotional regulation in the face of challenges?

  6. What actions will deepen my connections with loved ones and cultivate more meaningful relationships?

  7. What practices or rituals can I integrate to foster inner peace and spiritual growth?

  8. How can I contribute to my community or the world in a way that aligns with my intentions?

  9. Which skills or knowledge do I need to acquire or develop to support my personal and professional growth?

  10. Who can be my allies, mentors, or guides in staying accountable and committed to my intentions?

Take Action: Reflect, Grow, and Craft Your Legacy in 2024

As the year concludes, I invite you to pause. Before you cross the threshold into 2024, take a moment to look back, cherishing the small moments, monumental achievements, and even the challenges that may have veered you off course. This pivotal step in the transformative process is too significant to overlook, for within it lies the potential for growth. Failing to reflect might lead us into the New Year, inadvertently repeating familiar patterns. To delve deeper into this process, I’ve crafted a Stillness meditation to initiate your practice, alongside a downloadable end-of-year Reflection and Intentions Guidebook, which you can find in the Resource Hub.

As you embark on this next cycle, should you find yourself craving further self-discovery practices and accountability, I have six available slots for my 1-to-1 Legacy coaching program in Q1. These spots are waiting to be filled by those who seek to craft a purpose-driven legacy rooted in wisdom and potential.


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